BUSH HOUSE concept proposal
Bush House - a very simple in shape and plan residential house is designed to emphasise the natural beauty of living in New Zealand forest.
A wide entry hall with a full height glazing crosses the building and leads to a “glass box” with a stair landing cantilevered
among tree branches. High ceiling with open roof structure at the top level (5.6m to the ridge beam) creates a splendid volume
for the main living area.
Idea for the elevations refers to inspirations from Russian suprematism and traditional Scandinavian architecture.
Main challenge of the project was to protect existing bush ecosystem and build a 24m long concrete
bridge above a stream crossing the site.
Porvo, Finland
Titirangi forest
Kazmir Malevich
Lubov Popova
195 sqm
Project team :
Lena Ochkalova, Vlad Proskurin
Interior views
Proposed plans